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2025 Summer Rally Cap/TBall - Mon and Wed  Baseball

Summer 2025
2025-07-02 00:00:00.0
Minimum age:
5 years old
Maximum age:
6 years old
Age as of:
2025-12-31 00:00:00.0
Individual Fees
Regular 175.0

Return to 2025 Junior Division - Ages 3 to 7

The Rally Cap T-Ball program is an initiative undertaken by Baseball Canada, to enhance players' and coaches' first experience with the game of baseball, generally accepted as an upgrade for the early years of T-Ball. The program has “5 Absolutes”: FUN, FLOW, FOCUS, FOLLOW UP, & FOR ALL.

BENEFITS for players and volunteer coaches:

Players are split into teams of 6-8, and each game has 3 teams playing at a time, rotating between: 2 teams in game play, 1 team doing active drills in the outfield. This results in Ball Touches 7.5 more times than T-Ball, Hitting the ball 15 times more than T-Ball, and 3 times more defensive positions played.

Coaching Rally Cap is made easy for Parent Volunteers/Guardians as the drills are easy to understand and incorporate using the practice plans provided. Fewer kids per team, combined with the schedule and game times, means more interaction for coaches and less commitment for a first-time volunteer.

Please refer to the Baseball Canada site for more details -

Game days: Two nights per week. Choose Mondays & Wednesdays OR Tuesdays & Thursdays when you are registering.

Spring Season: starts May 5, 2025 and runs for 7 weeks. 

Summer Season: starts July 2, 20 25 and runs for 7 weeks.

Location: Charlottetown Public School school-yard fields, 85 Charlottetown Blvd, Scarborough.

Game Time: 7-8pm

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